
Giraffe is a serverless B2B SaaS application designed to help people find the help they need at work and allows businesses to keep track of employees' ever-changing skills and capabilities. Organizations are able to create a "Workspace" through a guided setup process. Users can then join workspaces and start adding skills to their profile. Other users can search the database for skills and get connected with other users, either through the online app or our integrated Slack app.

Giraffe’s frontend is built with React and custom Material UI components. State is managed with the Context API. The app's backend is built using a combination of AWS Lambda functions, a GraphQL API and uses a DynamoDB database as the data layer.

User authentication is handled with Cognito. Static assets are stored in S3 buckets.

Tech Stack

React.js w/ Hooks


AWS Amplify


AWS DynamoDB

AWS Cognito

AWS Lambda

Material UI



Completed: Oct 2020

Project Duration: 8 Months

Role: Frontend, Backend, DevOps

UX/UI Design

I created the initial library of UI components and color palette for the app and employed UX best practices to create a usable and easy-to-navigate online experience.




